Modified Nokia 3310 3330 phone, 20 Games
Modified Nokia 3310 3330 phone, 20 Games
Modified Nokia 3330 with 3310 firmware.
Nokia 3330 has 4MB of memory and 3310 only 2MB.
By loading the 3310 firmware into the nokia 3330 we gained an additional 2MB of free memory!
Thanks to this, we were able to add to the phone:
- 16 NEW games (20 in total);
- 200 new ringtones (including: Coffin Dance, Polish Cow, Wide Putin);
- 500 animated screensavers;
- Rhythmic backlight;
- Simlock code calculator for old phones (Nokia DCT3, DCT4);
- SMS Bomber ;
- SMS Virus (you can send SMS which will freeze old nokia phones);
- Spymode (use your phone as a bugging device);
- Automatic keypad lock;
- Netmonitor;
- Ability to use the phone without a SIM card.
New battery included.
This phone works on 2G, 900MHz and 1800MHz networks.
May not connect to the network in some countries.
However, you can still use the rest of the features including GAMES.
The charger is not included.
It can be easily purchased on ebay.